
本屆特刊候選人照片首度曝光 專業精神及終身成就兩獎公佈

第三十一屆香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮已定於四月十五日(星期日)假香港文 化中心隆重舉行。日前,一眾候選男、女主角和配角、導演、新演員已順利完成本屆香港電影金像奬特刊 之拍攝工作。大會於今天下午兩時假香港文化中心舉行新聞發佈會,首度曝光候選人大合照,並榮幸邀得 入圍最佳女主角葉德嫻,最佳男配角曾江,最佳新演員連詩雅及吳千語一起為特刊的發佈進行揭幕儀式。
金像獎感謝各候選男、女主角和配角、導演、新演員參與照片拍攝,參與拍攝的候選人包括:許鞍華、徐 克、麥兆輝、莊文強、劉德華、劉青雲、舒淇、湯唯、葉德嫻、高圓圓、周迅、王羽、秦沛、盧海鵬、曾 江、惠英紅、秦海璐、桂綸美、蕭敬騰、連詩雅、鄭爽、吳千語、盛鑑(排名不分先後)。

和去年一樣,本屆頒奬典禮繼續獲得著名瑞士腕錶及珠寶品牌伯爵擔任主題贊助,全力支持及參與香港電影界這一年度盛事,讓香港電影金像獎大放華麗光芒。伯爵為全力配合特刊之拍攝工作,特別獻上其最新 的腕錶和珠寶給一眾候選人在拍攝時佩戴,讓眾星散發迷人的時尚魅力。大會宣佈本屆頒獎典禮之「最佳 衣著獎」將由著名時裝設計師何志恩Johanna Ho 擔任評審,屆時全場最佳衣著的男女嘉賓各一位將獲贈伯 爵贊助的名貴珠寶。

金像獎亦多謝連續四年贊助特刊攝影的Secret 9 製作公司,今年邀得香港著名攝影師CK 陳錦強先生帶領旗下多位攝影師如Alex Lam、B Wong 等,以及時裝界著名造型顧問Tina Leung 撥冗參與拍攝工作,合力打造 特刊。為求盡善盡美,特刊的編輯委員會及製作團隊今年特別拉得多位專業猛人加盟協力包括著名數碼修 圖及三維繪圖師Anton Lee、James Hui,美術指導Willis Ko、Hoax Chiu。造型方面,一向引領時裝潮流的國際品牌Giorgio Armani 及Emporio Armani,今年全力支持特刊的拍攝,特別由米蘭空運多款服飾,為各候選人提供最時尚、最華麗的簡服、晚裝及西服,加上香港頂尖髮型集團Hair Culture 及國際化粧品牌MAC 的 鼎力支持,令眾星於鏡頭前型格俱備,魅力四射。


另外,香港電影金像獎協會董事局副主席陳慶嘉先生於今日發佈會上隆重宣佈本屆「終身成就獎」和「專業精神獎」兩大得主。本屆大會將頒發「終身成就獎」給倪匡先生,以表示對他電影劇本創作成就的尊重 和讚揚。倪匡一生寫作無數,創作電影劇本超過三百多本,對香港電影業發展有舉足輕重的推動力。他筆下創作出的人物和角色,數不勝數,包括最街知巷聞的《精武門》之陳真等。另外,本屆「專業精神獎」 得主為方浩源“源哥”。三十年多來,源哥默默耕耘幕後,為眾多電影擔任劇照攝影,拍下過無數珍貴劇 照。他專業的精神和工作態度,值得業界嘉許和學習。

The 31st Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony will be held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre on the 15th of April (Sunday), 2012. Recently, various nominees have just completed the photo-shooting session for this year's Special. The association held a press conference today to preview the media with the Special group photo. Nominated Best Actress Deanie Ip, Best Supporting Actor Kenneth Tsang, Best New Performer Shiga Lin and Karena Ng attended the press conference for the HKFA Special preview ceremony.

This year's Special has received support from the nominated Best Actors and Actresses, Best Supporting Actors and Actresses, Best Directors and Best New Performers, the list include: Ann Hui On Wah, Tsui Hark, Alan Mak Shiu Fai, Felix Chong Man Keung, Andy Lau Tak Wah, Lau Ching Wan, Shu Qi, Tang Wei, Deanie Ip, Gao Yuanyuan, Zhou Xun, Jimmy Wang Yu, Paul Chiang, Lo Hoi Pang, Kenneth Tsang, Wai Ying Hung, Qin Hailu, Gwei Lun Mei, Hsiao Ching Teng, Shiga Lin, Zheng Shuang, Karena Ng, Sheng Chien (listed in no particular order).

The Hong Kong Film Awards Association has announced that the renowned Swiss watchmaker and jeweller Piaget continues to support this year's event as the Major Sponsor. And as the Major Sponsor, Piaget presents its latest and finest watches and jewellery for the nominees to accentuate the dazzling glamour to the Special. At the press conference, the celebrated Hong Kong fashion designer Johanna Ho is announced to be the fashion jury of the ceremony's walk of fame. She will pick out the evening's best-dressed man and woman among the celebrities, and award them with jewellery sponsored by Piaget.

The Association also appreciates Secret 9 Production House's photography sponsor for four consecutive years. This year, CK Chan Kam Keung, a famous photographer in Hong Kong, has led his artistic team of photographers for this shooting, including Alex Lam and B Wong. The famed fashion styling consultant, Tina Leung, has also contributed towards shaping each celebrity's unique image. Also, the production team has invited a number of professional parties to make this year's Special a high quality one, such as digital and 3D illustrator Anton Lee, James Hui, art director Willis Ko and Hoax Chiu. In terms of styling, the international leading brands in fashion, Giorgio Armani and Emporio Armani, have sponsored the photo-taking of this year's Special. Specially bringing in a wide variety of clothes from Milan, they have provided great options of fashionable casual wear and evening outfits. What is more, having the support of the top hairdressing group in Hong Kong, Hair Culture, and international cosmetic brand, MAC, the celebrities look extremely stylish on Special.

The Special contains nominees' photos in digital movie scenes, such as gun battle in Central, scientific setting in metropolitan city and gambling in a bar, and will be available for purchase at HKD$88 in early April at major bookstores.

MR. CHAN HING KAI, THE VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE HONG KONG FILM AWARDS ASSOCIATION, gratifyingly announced that Mr. Nieh Kong receives this year's Lifetime Achievement Award for his enormous contribution to original film scripts. Mr. Nieh Kong has created more than three hundred original film scripts that have significantly inspired the Hong Kong movie creation. One of the most well-known Chinese culture heroes, Chen Zhen was created by him in film "Fist of Fury". On the other side, the Professional Achievement Award is dedicated to Mr. Fong Ho Yuen, a hard-working stage photographer who has worked behind the scenes for over thirty years in numerous movie productions. His lens have captured many precious moments of Hong Kong film making. His professionalism and earnestness made him an outstanding role model in the film industry.

31st HKFAA
第31 屆特刊候選人照片
31st HKFAA
第31 屆特刊候選人照片
31st HKFAA
第31 屆特刊候選人照片
31st HKFAA
第31 屆特刊候選人照片
31st HKFAA
第31 屆特刊候選人照片
31st HKFAA
第31 屆特刊候選人照片
31st HKFAA
第31 屆特刊候選人照片
31st HKFAA
第31 屆特刊候選人照片
31st HKFAA
第31 屆特刊候選人照片
31st HKFAA
第31 屆特刊候選人照片