
Master of Ceremonies of this Year’s Presentation Ceremony

第三十一屆香港電影金像奬頒奬典禮已定於四月十五日 (星期日)假香港文化中心隆重舉行,屆時大會指定的傳媒機構無線電視(TVB)、now TV、 香港電台第二台將會同步直播這項香港影壇盛事。本屆頒獎禮新穎的司儀陣容在今天下午二時在灣仔舉行的香港影視娛樂博覽的記者招待會內宣佈。

本屆司儀組合嶄新,由殿堂級金牌司儀率領一眾電影界新一代才俊擔任,配合今年「電影新 勢代」的主題,帶出香港電影「承傳」的精神。集著名出品人、監製、導演兼影帝於一身的曾志偉先生將聯同四位影業界紅人才俊一同踏上4 月15 日的頒獎禮舞台,


  • Angelababy
    演員 ---- 近年於兩地影壇大躍進的新寵演員,並特別為是次盛事首次擔任主持

  • 鄭中基

  • 林家棟
    監製、資深演員 (其監製之電影【打擂台】獲選第三十屆香港電影金像獎最佳電影)

  • 曾寶儀
    著名主持人、出品人 (其出品之電影【殺手歐陽盆栽】獲本屆香港電影金像獎提名)

預計本屆的 「電影新勢代」司儀組合將會激發新一輪創意演出,加上各個司儀均擁有獨特幽 默的風格,相信本屆「電影新勢代」司儀五人組必定能引領觀眾於緊湊氣氛下完成整晚頒獎 典禮。

除了本港三大指定媒體當晚會直播這影壇盛事外,本屆的典禮將會在世界各地華人媒體播放, 包括內地CCTV6 電影頻道和新浪網,而美國、加拿大、澳洲、馬來西亞、新加坡、汶萊的電 視台也轉播本屆頒奬典禮,讓香港演藝界的顆顆巨星匯聚海外。

The 31st Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony will be held at Hong Kong Cultural Centre on 15 April, Sunday. Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), now TV and RTHK Radio 2 will live broadcast this event. The novel and exciting MC team of this year was announced in the press conference of Entertainment Expo Hong Kong 2012 in Wanchai today at 2.00 p.m.

A couple of young, talented film industry workers will be led by a renowned and experienced MC. This brilliant group is expected to bring lots of surprises to audiences. The MC team depicts the theme of this year: “Film’s New Power”, implying the spirit of continuation and determination among Hong Kong films. Eric Tsang, who has been a famous, cultivated and respected executive producer, director and awarded best actor in the local film industry, will lead a group of four young and proficient film contributors to the stage of ceremony.

They include:

  • Angelababy
    The latest well-performed, popular actress will be an MC the first time for this event.

  • Ronald Cheng
    The well-liked director-actor-comedian-singer.

  • Gordon Lam Ka Tung
    The professional actor who was the producer of the film "Gallant" that was awarded the best film in the 30th Hong Kong Film Awards.

  • Bowie Tsang Po Yee
    The celebrated host who is also the executive producer of this year’s nominated film "The Killer Who Never Kills".

It is expected that this year’s MC team filled with “Film’s New Power” will foster an evening of creative performance and conversation. Adding with their humour and uniqueness, this unprecedented MC team will definitely bring great stimulation, fun and new ideas to the event.

Apart from the three official live broadcasters in Hong Kong, the presentation ceremony this year will also be shown in Chinese media all over the world. This includes the movie channel CCTV6 and Sina.com in the Mainland China. The television channels in the United States, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei will also broadcast this annual occasion internationally

31st HKFAA
31st HKFAA
31st HKFAA
31st HKFAA
31st HKFAA