
第四十屆香港電影金像奬公布本屆主題 「金像四十 不惑如初」與香港電影同步向前發光發熱 大會海報及本屆專用標誌邀得著名美指張叔平操刀設計
The 40th Hong Kong Film Awards Announces Theme of the Year “At 40 We Bloom” Flourishing and Moving Forward with Hong Kong Films Poster and Logo Designed by Celebrated Art Director William Chang Suk-ping

將於2022年7月17日舉行的「第四十屆香港電影金像奬」正在如火如荼籌備當中。「香港電影金像奬協會」(大會)今天(18日)公布本屆主題為「金像四十 不惑如初」,同時發布本屆大會宣傳海報圖樣。踏入四十而不惑之年,大會特別邀請了與金像奬一起成長的著名美術指導張叔平為大會設計標誌及海報(附圖)。

張叔平是「金像奬」的常客,自第二屆憑《烈火青春》(1982)及《難兄難弟》(1982)兩部電影首次獲得提名、第四屆憑《似水流年》 (1984)得獎,過去三十九屆共提名55次,獲獎18次,是金像奬歷史上的紀錄保持者,由他操刀為四十盛年的金像奬設計官方海報肯定是不二的人選。







The 40th Hong Kong Film Awards Presentation Ceremony will take place on July 17, 2022, and its preparations are in full swing. Running to the event, Hong Kong Film Awards Association (HKFAA) today announced the theme of this year “At 40 We Bloom” and released the official poster. Stepping into the 40th year, HKFAA has specially invited renowned art director William CHANG Suk-Ping (William Chang), who has grown up with the Hong Kong Film Awards, to design this year’s logo and poster.

William CHANG is a regular at the Hong Kong Film Awards. After being nominated for his films Nomad《烈火青春》and It Takes Two《難兄難弟》in 1982 at the 2nd Hong Kong Film Awards, he received his first trophy for Home Coming 《似水流年》in 1984 at the 4th Hong Kong Film Awards. He has been nominated 55 times, and won 18 times during the past 39 years. He is the record holder for receiving the most awards in the history of the Hong Kong Film Awards, which makes him the ideal candidate for designing the 40th anniversary poster this year.

The Hong Kong Film Awards carries a special and unique meaning for the movie industry as it represents recognitions of industry players and brings with encouraging impact. When William Chang received HKFAA’s invitation to design the poster for the 40th Hong Kong Film Awards, he felt honoured and excited, since he has been growing up with the Hong Kong film industry and the Hong Kong Film Awards.

From brainstorming ideas to creating the design, William Chang has spent around 2 weeks to complete the final product, which he deems “a playful design that gets the message across.” The colour palette of the poster is dominated by red to accentuate the statue of Hong Kong Film Awards which is painted in black and the design of the white font inspired by the reverse printing of film. In Chang’s design, the goddess of the Hong Kong Film Awards statue, used to be framed by clearly defined strokes, is transformed into an elegant goddess, appearing gracefully poised as she holds a sparkling pearl in her hand, creating an ethereal and otherworldly vision.

“The Hong Kong movie industry is at its low ebb now, but a wave of new directors has emerged at the same time. I placed the shimmering pearl at the center of the poster, in hopes that the Hong Kong film industry will regain its past glory. Smiley faces hidden on the surface on the pearl is a playful design. I sincerely hope that Hong Kong filmmakers can produce more films, release them to the rest of the world and bloom once again.”

Other than adding smiley faces on the reflections of the pearl, the goddess’ forehead hairline subtly defines the contours of Lion Rock Hill which is a symbol of Hong Kong spirit to convey the artist’s love for Hong Kong.

The Board of Directors of Hong Kong Film Awards Association is excited to have invited William Chang to design the poster for the 40th Hong Kong Film Awards. As the local film industry is facing difficult times now, the Board believes that Chang’s poster radiates positive energy, in hopes of steering the industry forward and forging ahead with Hong Kong people.

The 40th Hong Kong Film Awards is supported by Financial Supporter “Create Hong Kong” and “The Film Development Fund”; Official TV Production Partner and Broadcaster “ViuTV” and “MakerVille”; Official Sponsor of Fragrances, Makeup and Skincare “Guerlain”, and Venue Sponsor “Billion Development and Project Management Ltd”.

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Please call (852) 2367 7892 for any further information

The Hong Kong Film Awards Association