
第三十九屆香港電影金像獎 - 公佈本屆得獎結果之最新安排

第39屆香港電影金像獎 得獎名單於5月6日下午3時 首次以Facebook、YouTube、IG跨平台媒體串流直播

第39屆香港電影金像獎第二輪投票已進入最後核票階段,本年度終極結果將於在5月6日下午3時揭曉,鑑於現時COVID-19新型冠狀病毒疫情仍未遏止, 香港電影金像獎協會將利用網絡社群媒體以LIVE Streaming串流直播形式實時公佈本屆19項得獎結果。

揭曉日期 2020年5月6日星期三
LIVE Streaming
香港時間 15:00開始 - 15:20完結

Facebook Fan-page

YouTube Channel

Instagram Story限時動態 https://www.instagram.com/hongkongfilmawards

在一個電影團隊中,雖然眾人崗位上各有不同,但大家時刻抱著滿腔熱血去面對每一個創作及制作上的難題,就如本屆金像奬抗疫當前熱情不滅,一眾幕後人員以靈活變通的態度,在疫情製造出不確定性的因素下繼續發展它的可行性,多組幕後團隊正在進行的項目還有年度紀念特刊編輯工作,本屆特刊將以Behind the Scenes為主題,由電影的「黑與白、光與影」開始帶大家進入不為人所了解的電影幕後世界。而今天同步發放的宣傳短片*將本屆入圍電影精華片段重組,甚有意外驚喜的三分鐘短片加速了觀眾對一年一度賽果出爐的期盼。大會特別感謝資助機構、參與單位及候選人支持和及業界人士理解,在這非常時期大會採取非常措施作出應對,只希望齊心協力正確面對疫情。

電話:852 – 2367 7122
2020 年04 月20日

The Association announced the details of Live stream to debut on Facebook, YouTube and IG on 6 May at 3pm

Hong Kong, 20 April 2020 – The second round of voting of the 39th Hong Kong Film Awards has entered the final stage of ballot verification, and final results are to be revealed on 6 May at 3pm. With regard to the continual adverse situation of the Covid-19 outbreak, the Hong Kong Film Awards Association (HKFAA) is to utilize online media for LIVE streaming announcement of this year’s results in relation to the 19 awards.

The 39th Hong Kong Film Awards LIVE
Date 6 May 2020, Wednesday
Live Streaming schedule 15:00 – 15:20 Hong Kong time
Online media platform

The Hong Kong Film Awards - Facebook Fan-page


The Hong Kong Film Awards – YouTube Channel


The Hong Kong Film Awards - Instagram Stories https://www.instagram.com/hongkongfilmawards

In the realm of the cinema, even though each and every participant has their distinctive role to play, everyone is always passionate about facing up to challenges when it comes to creativity and production. Regarding this year’s awards, HKFAA staff members are as enthusiastic as ever amid the disease outbreak. Their spontaneity has enabled them to get on top of their tasks and overcome unpredictability brought about by the outbreak. Anonymous members of several teams are still working on a special commemoration issue based on the motif of Behind the Scenes. From a starting point designated as “black and white, light and shadows” in the cinema, everybody is invited to explore the fantastic workings behind the silver screen.

Furthermore, the promo to be released today showcases mashups, engaging scenes taken from this year’s nominated films. This 3-minute promo* is sure to deliver pleasant surprises and give film lovers a taster of the final results of this key annual announcement in the Hong Kong film industry. HKFAA particularly expresses gratitude to the financial supporter, participating organizations, nominees and showbiz friends for their understanding and support. HKFAA has adopted extraordinary measures to handle this unprecedented situation. Everybody has to work with one another to contain the disease outbreak.

For further information, please contact HKFAA Public Relations Unit:
Tel: (852) 2367 7122
Hong Kong Film Awards Association